Sunday, December 1, 2013

Introduction (with PICTURES!!)

We were going to launch right into posting the articles that we've started writing, but I (Jen) realized that we haven't really explained the formula we're using, or what we've deemed important etc. We came up witha few different formulas before we started writing, and now that we've written about a few different attractions, I think we've got the shape of things pretty well solidified.

Here are the major W's behind our project:
  • Who:
    That's us, in Disney, on Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. We're gigantic DIsney nerds, and we're guessing you are, too*.
    Our audience is what sets our perspective apart! This all started about three years ago when Jeremy and I planned our first Disney trip together. We love the parks, but we realized there wasn't really anything written specifically for Disney lovers our age. At that time, we were both just graduating from undergraduate school and had never really been to Disney without either being a kid, or traveling with a much younger sibling/friend. I always inherently research things I love, and I started noticing that every guide seemed aimed at either people with kids, or people who are kids. Publishers tend to assume that if you're traveling to Disney without children, then you're retired/retiring. There was nothing for the in-between ages--the awkward time after being a kid and before having kids of your own. So here we are, writing what we've been looking for all this time.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Disney World, The "In-Betweeners" Way

Welcome to our blog.  This will serve as a public platform for us to post our ideas and thoughts as we attempt to write this unofficial guide to enjoying Disney World.  We are working steadily through each attraction however if you are so excited and you would like to see our thoughts on your favorite first please feel free to let us know.  We look forward to any and all feedback.  Enjoy!